Nordic Society for Radiation Protection – NSFS

The Nordic Society for Radiation Protection (NSFS) was founded in 1964, on the initiative of Professor Rolf Sievert. NSFS is composed of board members and ordinary members from all Nordic countries that arrange a Congress in the hosting country each fourth year. More information can be found here.

NSFS – an important forum for radiological protection (RP)

At a webinar in June 2024, celebrating the 60th anniversary of NSFS, Jack Valentin and Sören Mattson presented highlights from the history of the society. The presentation can be found here.

The presentation is also the basis for an article to be published later.


NSFS XX Conference

The (20th) NSFS Conference will start at lunch 27th August and closes at lunch 29th August 2025 in the city of Lillehammer, Norway.

First announcement is now available.


General Assembly 2024

The General Assembly for the Nordic Society for Radiation Protection for 2024 will take place December 17th at 14:00 CET. The meeting will be arranged virtually in Teams. A Teams link will be sent to the members well ahead of the scheduled meeting time.

Proposal from a member of NSFS to changes in the statutes must be submitted to the Board in written form at least two months before the General Assembly. The board will submit the proposal and its comments to the proposal to the members one month before the General Assembly. 


  1. Opening of the General Assembly 
  2. Election of chairman and secretary 
  3. Election of signers of minutes and counters of votes 
  4. Adoption of the agenda 
  5. Validity of this General Assembly 
  6. Report for the period since last General Assembly 
  7. Activity report 
  8. Financial reports 
  9. Audit report 
  10. Decision on exemption from liability 
  11. Decision on membership fee 
  12. Election of new honorary members 
  13. Other matters 
  14. Closing of the General Assembly 

60th anniversary of NSFS

The Nordic Society for Radiation Protection (NSFS) was founded on June 10, 1964, on the initiative of Professor Rolf Sievert.

In that regard the Nordic board has the honor to invite you to celebrate this 60th anniversary with a webinar on June 10th, 2024.

Agenda for the webinar in CEST:

14:00-14:10Welcome, Invitation to the XX NSFS Conference by Tore Ramsøy
14:10-14:25NSFS and IRPA by Sigurður Magnússon
14:25-14:40Use of radiation in medicine 1964-2024 – Changing needs for radiation protection 
by Sören Mattson
14:40-15:00Medical preparedness and patient management  by Jack Valentin

Please contact if you have not received an invite and would like to join us on Teams.

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IRPA congress 2024

In July 2024, the 16th IRPA international congress will be held in Florida in cooperation with IAEA. For further information: IRPA 16 – 2024 Meeting


December 2023 IRPA Bulletin

The December 2023 issue of IRPA Bulletin is now available.


From the NSFS conference

In the September issue of IRPA Bulletin #39 you can amongst other interesting topics read at short report from the NSFS conference in Malmø.

Find all issues of the IRPA Bulletin on the IRPA website.


SRP 60 year Jubilee

The latest issue of the free magazine Radiation Protection Today celebrates the Diamond Jubilee of Society for Radiological Protection (SRP).

Radiation Protection Today - frontpage of 60 years jubilee issue


Young Generation Network

Invitation to a workshop with Young Generation Network (YGN) held at ICRP2023.


Conference programme

Final version of the NSFS XIX conference programme and list of abstracts is now available.


Radiation Protection Today magazine

The UK Society for Radiological Protection now publishes a magazine Radiation Protection Today twice a year.  Each issue has 40 pages of features and articles and all the issues are available at

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